EXCLUSIVE... On February 22nd 1940, Tenzin Gyatso is awarded temporal and spiritual leader of Tibetans and becomes the fourteenth Dalai Lama.
As a result of six years work, the report “ Land of Exile” is all dedicated to Dalai Lama.
In occasion of his 70th birthday, thanks to an unforgettable reportage of 25 days, spent in Dharamsala (India), we succeeded in gathering information about the history, the memory, the philosophy, the values and the wisdom of Tibetan people and their Leader.
A fussy work, that explains through the colours, the shades and the details of some photos, the activity of a man, who has done of his faith in the name of peace and tolerance, his own and his people reason for existence.
The Chinese People’s Liberation Army severely repressed the Tibetans and compelled Dalai Lama to flee to India, where he obtained political asylum. Here, through the CTA (Central Tibetan Administration) and the TCV (Tibetan Children Village) he could reconstruct, defend and teach his language, history, culture and religion to over 120 thousand Tibetans .
His work as a man of faith above all, didn’t go unnoticed, his preaching the non violence and tolerance towards all the heads of states and governments earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in December 1989. Prize that he accepted in the name of all the people struggling for peace and freedom and in the name of Tibetans.
Terror, abuses of power and violence don’t stop who has got faith, don’t let lose memory and hope…
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