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You have searched stories in categories: religion The system found 18 results
 | An Emotional Farewell to Pope John Paul The Great_2 Millions of people participated in the last goodbye to the Pope showing their love and gratitude to the pontif who has done so much for humanity. People from all over the world reached Rome in an outstanding pilgrimage, a great amount of flags and messages, an incredible amount of people. Many heads of state, more than two hundred delegations and religious leaders of all faiths came to the Vatican... see more » | |  | EXIBITION: Tibet Land Of Exile Patricio Estay, inspired by his meeting with Henri Cartier Bresson in Paris in 1986, started Tibet Land Of Exile, one of the most important projects in his career.
Patricio Estay’s eleven years work, “Tibet Land of Exile” is dedicated to the Dalai Lama; to the life and work of the Tibetan population in exile; to the school for refugee children created by Jetsun Pema, sister of His Holiness;... see more » | |  | Gush Katif without return The palms are tossing their heads in the wind on the white sands of the
shore, a kind of whiteness no longer to be found on the shore strip of Israel;
they create an illusion of tropical landscape. From a distance the view
is enchanting, but only to those capable of successfully skipping over the
sight of the dreadfully wretched huts situated on the sides of the road
that leads from the Gaza settlement... see more » | |  | Land of exile The result of six years’ work, “Land of Exile” is dedicated to the Dalai Lama; to the life and work of the Tibetan population in exile; to the school for refugee children created by Jetsun Pema, sister of His Holiness; to the young exiled monks who have found a new home in the monasteries of Dharamsala; and to the pilgrims who come to celebrate the holiday of Losar, the Tibetan New Year.
This reportage... see more » | |  | Land of Exile (2°Part) EXCLUSIVE... On February 22nd 1940, Tenzin Gyatso is awarded temporal and spiritual leader of Tibetans and becomes the fourteenth Dalai Lama.
As a result of six years work, the report “ Land of Exile” is all dedicated to Dalai Lama.
In occasion of his 70th birthday, thanks to an unforgettable reportage of 25 days, spent in Dharamsala (India), we succeeded in gathering information about the history,... see more » | |  | Lhasa by Night Since 1995 the introduction of prostitution on a wide scale has occurred in Tibet. Lhasa is a large bordello with more than 2,000 brothels, and there are more than 10,000 prostitutes. In Shigatse, the second most important city in the region, with eighty thousand inhabitants, it seems that there are more brothels than churches. Sexual exploitation of women has added further to the increase in violence... see more » | |  | Mahant-ji, Guardian of the Ganges For 20 years, the man known as “Mahant-Ji” has been fighting to save “the world’s most sacred river”. Dr. Veer Bhadra, professor in hydro-engineering, has an important target: to fight for there not to be “a single drop of wastewater in the sacred waters of Benares.” His pursuit is reinforced by Swiss, Australian, and American funds. This Mahant (priest) of one of the main temples of the city always... see more » | |  | Mea Shearim Community Cross a road and, as if by a spell, find yourself in the past, in central Europe in the 1800's. In Jerusalem this happens too. Mea Shearim (which in Jew means 'of the 100 doors') is a district populated by Orthordox Jews.
Built up since 1875, the district is the second agglomerate to form itself outside the old town by followers of Rabbi Auerbach. They closed themselves in a volontary ghetto to live... see more » | |  | Mourning the Pope 1 Tens of thousand of mourners, young and old, from all over the world keep on gathering in St. Peter's Square to show their love for John Paul II . Many of them, in tears, leave their prayers, photos of Wojtyla, candles and flowers as a homage to the dead Pope. Yet so intense is the sense of loss, more votive offerings arrive with every moment, everyone wants to pay tribute to the charismatic pontiff.... see more » | |  | Mourning the Pope 2 Tens of thousands of mourners of all ages and from all nations continue to gather in St Peter's Square to express their admiration and affection for Pope John Paul II, who died on Saturday. Many have left flowers, photos, candles and handwritten prayers in the square as tributes, while others offer only tears. More votive offerings arrive with every passing minute. A charismatic figure in life, the... see more » | | |  |