3D images of ALMA (Atacama Millimetre Array). One of the largest ground-based astronomy projects of the next decade after the ESO VLT/VLTI, it will be a major new facility for world astronomy. ALMA will be comprised of some 64 12-meter sub-millimetre quality antennas, with baselines extending up to 10 km. Its receivers will cover wavelengths as short as 0.3 mm. The estimated cost of the project is 610 million Euros (2000). © ESO (European Southern Observatory) - www.eso.org
Vlt, ESO, European Southern Observatory, Atacama Millimetre Array, astronomical observation, astronomy, atacama desert, Chile, Chile land of telescopes, desert, Patricio Estay, radio telescope, South America, telescopes, Chanjantor, ALMA, Antenna